In professional wrestling, a performer's finishing move is their signature. When done right, a finisher gets WWE fans out of their seats in excitement and anticipation of victory. But not all finishing moves are created equal. Some finishers barely make sense or look outright silly. Yet, through a combination of factors, some awful-looking finishers have surprisingly become fan favorites. These bizarre finishers have been used so frequently and caused so much excitement that crowds pop up as soon as the setup begins.

While new wrestling fans may scoff at some of these ridiculous moves, longtime fans look back on them fondly as signature parts of beloved stars' careers. The reception of a finisher comes down to emotion and memory as much as its actual visual impact and believability. Sometimes a move that looks silly on paper can become a legend through its association with a star performer and the many classic moments used to punctuate it. Get ready for 10 awful finishers that, despite all odds, won over fans and will forever live on as icons of the strange and absurd theater of professional wrestling.

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10 The Worm by Scotty 2 Hotty

The Worm by Scotty 2 Hotty
Image Credit: The Sportster

"The Worm" by Scotty 2 Hotty was a spectacle that fans couldn't get enough of. It was less about the move and more about the theatrics that led up to it. Scotty would knock his opponent down, then do a dance that was as goofy as it was entertaining. The crowd would chant along, "W-O-R-M," building anticipation.

It was a move that was as fun as it was ridiculous, and fans loved every second of it. Fans loved cheering for the underdog, and The Worm became a rallying cry for those who believed in defying the odds. The Worm wouldn't work without Scotty's perfect goofball performance - he sold the move's "power" by acting utterly ridiculous.

9 The Cobra by Santino Marella

The Cobra by Santino Marella
Image Credit: WWE

"The Cobra" by Santino Marella was a finisher that was as silly as it was effective. Santino would pull a green sock puppet onto his arm, make a snake face, and strike his opponent with a lightning-fast jab. The setup alone, with Santino pulling off his arm sleeve and yelling "Cobra!" was good for a laugh. The move perfectly reflects Santino's comedic character, and fans loved it for its sheer absurdity. The Cobra was a move that didn't take itself too seriously, making it so endearing.

8 Mandible Claw (Socko Version)

The Mandible Claw (Mick Foley)
Image Credit: Inside The Ropes

The Mandible Claw, especially the Socko version, was a move that was as bizarre as it was captivating. Mankind, played by Mick Foley, would pull out a dirty sock puppet, put it on his hand, and then jam his fingers into his opponent's mouth. It was a move that was as gross as it was effective, and fans loved it for its uniqueness.

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The Mandible Claw was a move that perfectly encapsulated Mankind's unhinged character, and fans couldn't help but be drawn to the oddity. It was a reminder that wrestling could be as strange as it is exciting, and fans were always on the edge of their seats when Mankind pulled out Mr. Socko.

7 Leg Drop by Hulk Hogan

Leg Drop by Hulk Hogan
Image Credit: The Sportster

The Leg Drop by Hulk Hogan is a classic example of simplicity winning over complexity. It's a move that any Average Joe could perform, but when Hogan did it, it was like watching a comet streak across the sky. The anticipation built as Hogan bounced off the ropes. The crowd would be on their feet, knowing what was coming.

Then, with a leap and a swift drop, Hogan's leg would come crashing down on his opponent. It wasn't the most technical move, but Hogan's charisma and the sheer spectacle of the moment made it so beloved. It was the perfect finisher for a man who was all about showmanship and power, and fans couldn't get enough of it.

6 People's Elbow by The Rock

People's Elbow by The Rock 
Image Credit: WWE

No finisher matched the electricity and hype of The Rock's People's Elbow. Though just an ordinary elbow drop, it was the most electrifying move in sports entertainment when The Rock delivered it. The Rock's signature showmanship was the key to the People's Elbow's popularity. He turned a mundane elbow into a major event. The setup alone built anticipation by removing his elbow pad and gesturing to the crowd. The Rock ensured every eye was on him before dropping that elbow with over-the-top force and flair.

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Despite its simplistic nature, The Rock sold the People's Elbow like it was the most painful, devastating move ever devised. His ego and enthusiasm were so infectious that fans believed it too. When that elbow connected, The Rock popped up flexing as if he'd just won a hard-fought battle, and fans went wild, forgetting they'd just seen a basic elbow drop.

5 Wasteland by Wade Barrett

Image Credit: WWE

Wasteland was a move that perfectly encapsulated Wade Barrett's brutal, no-nonsense style. Barrett would hoist his opponent onto his shoulders, then slam them down onto the mat with all his might. It was a move that showcased Barrett's strength and dominance, a physical manifestation of his character's ruthless determination.

Fans loved the Wasteland because it was a move that felt real, a move that looked like it hurt. It was a finisher that was as brutal and uncompromising as Barrett himself, and that's why fans couldn't get enough of it. The Wasteland proved that an imperfect finisher can still be brutally effective when wielded by the right villain. It served as a perfect symbol of The Nexus's cruel dominance over the WWE for a time.

4 Scissor Kick by Booker T

Scissor Kick by Booker T
Image Credit: WWE

Booker T's Scissor Kick is a move that's as flashy as it is effective, and fans love it. The move starts with Booker T bouncing off the ropes, gaining momentum, and launching himself into the air, his legs spread wide. The sheer athleticism required to pull off this move is impressive, but what gets the crowd going is the moment of suspense as Booker T hangs in the air before he comes crashing down, his leg connecting with his opponent's neck.

The Scissor Kick wasn't the most logical choice for a finisher, but pro wrestling fans don't always need to make sense. They just want to be wowed. Booker T's ridiculous, over-the-top, and thoroughly athletic finisher gave them exactly that every time he uncorked it. The crowd ate it up, and rightfully so. Nonsensical or not, the Scissor Kick ruled.

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3 Playmaker by MVP

Playmaker by MVP
Image Credit: WWE

MVP's Playmaker is a move that's all about finesse and precision. It's not the most flashy move in WWE, but it's one that fans have come to appreciate for its effectiveness. The Playmaker starts with MVP getting his opponent in a neck-breaker position before twisting them around and driving them face-first into the mat. It's a move that requires perfect timing and execution, and when MVP pulls it off, it's a sight to behold.

Fans also loved the Playmaker because it was unique. Most finishing moves are kicks, slams, or strikes of some kind. The Playmaker's unorthodox facebuster stood out, and its originality won over crowds. Montel Vontavious Porter had that infectious swagger, and the Playmaker allowed him to show off his athletic gifts in an unconventional fashion.

2 Khali Chop

Khali Chop
Image Credit: WWE

The Khali Chop is a move that's as simple as it is effective. Standing over seven feet tall, The Great Khali simply raises his hand and brings it down on his opponent's head. The straightforward brutality of the Khali Chop, combined with Khali's enormous frame delivering it, made it oddly satisfying.

Fans knew what was coming, and they loved watching Khali mow through his opponents with such a basic maneuver. When Khali raises his hand, the crowd goes silent in anticipation, and when his hand comes crashing down, the crowd erupts in cheers. The Khali Chop is a testament to The Great Khali's raw power and strength, and fans can't get enough of it.

1 WMD by Big Show

WMD by Big Show
Image Credit: WWE

Few finishing moves are as devastating as the WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) by The Big Show. This mammoth of a wrestler has been known to knock out opponents with a single punch, and fans can't seem to get enough of it.

When Big Show winds up for the WMD, the crowd holds its breath in anticipation, and when his fist connects, the crowd goes wild. The move is so devastating that it's often enough to end matches in seconds. And while some may argue that it's not the most technical move in the world, that's precisely what makes it so appealing to fans.